Monday, December 22, 2008

air drying is probably a better alternative????

on our girls shopping trip a couple weekends ago, a very funny story about big country came to mind. the girls and i stopped in at a big and tall store so i could shop for big country. let me tell you how hard it is to find jeans for big country. he wears a 40X34 which is always the biggest and hardest to find in a regular store. in a big and tall store- he wears the smallest size. so in the midst of my frustration of trying to find him jeans, i remembered this one pair of jeans i bought him when we were in Kansas City MO a few years ago. omg, they were hot and he looked so good on him. we bought them in Nov (the only reason i remember that is b/cuz we were in MO for thanksgiving) and in Feb the hot sexy jeans met their final resting place. i am still pissed that i only got to enjoy looking at his sexy ass in those jeans for two short months. the jeans were just a pair of levi's and i think it was the coloring/worn look that made the jeans look extra hot on him.

anyway, the story....

big country and i went to gatlinburg with a couple friends- who happened to be gay. that in itself was odd to me that big country wanted to go- seeing how homophobic he is. we rented a chalet in the mountains for a couple days. each bedroom had a heart shaped jacuzzi in it with a shower curtain that pulled around it so you could take a shower. big country gets in the shower and forgets to take his jeans off the platform around the jacuzzi. he realizes his jeans are wet and leaves the bedroom. i finish getting ready and walk out of the bedroom to smell smoke. wtf? there stands big country in his underwear- next to the OVEN. i soon figure out he put his jeans in the oven to dry them! it wasn't long after i asked him what the hell he was doing- that the sexy jeans caught on fire. he grabbed them out of the oven with some tongs and threw them in the fire that was going in the fireplace.

why would you put something flammable in the oven just to dry it? i'll never understand it. that's a man for ya. big country is such a damn hilljack sometimes (ok, maybe 99% of the time). nonetheless, i love the hilljack. i'll keep him around at least for the comedy value ;-)


Anonymous said...

Although you already told me this, I still seriously laughed out loud when I read it. He is so silly. I'm pretty sure Gabe thinks I'm crazy...just an FYI

Jenn said...

Oh my girl that is great. You have to love men and their since of how to fix things! That's classic. I say it's time to go hunting for him some new sexy jeans. Hey any excuse to shop right?