Monday, December 1, 2008

My very own show & tell

Show and tell, wow, that was a looooooong time ago- kindergarten maybe? So, picking up- after 25 yrs.... goes!

Well, today was a wet snowy day. Work was pretty laid back today. "Bosshog" (my boss, Larry) left around lunch time and didn't come back. Hence- the few blogs I posted earlier this afternoon. By the way, Bosshog loves his title! He's a fun boss about 90% of the time. He has to PMS every now and then- but he is really laid back and has a great sense of humor. I have a pic of him on a bulletin board in my cubicle. I stick push pins in him when he irratates me. It's all in good fun!

I have a few pics to share...
I went to the store tonight to get a bunch of odds n' ends and bought this blankie/rattle for Mason D.
Mason is getting to be more funner everyday. I really don't think I just said that right. LOL, anyway- you get the point. He is full of big smiles and is trying to talk. He has been trying to giggle and he's just about got it! It's so cute. People say he looks like Big Country (and he does) but tons of people have been telling me he has my eyes and lips. We're just so thankful that he is healthy and growing after the slow start he had into the world. It's been cold, dreary, rainy/snowy so much lately. My girlfriends and I are talking about taking a trip somewhere together to celebrate our 30th b-days next fall. We've been tossing around ideas and looking at books and pics of beautiful beaches etc.... and I wanted to share some pics of our trip to Jamaica.

This is from the terrace where we ate breakfast...
This is sunset at dinner....

My brother and sis-in-law got married in Montego Bay Jamaica. This is my sis-in-law, "Aunt Megs," with her Dad. Her Dad is full blood Coasta Rican and Megs is 1/2. Her Dad was adopted into the US as a small infant. His mother was a young 16 yr old girl who put him up for adoption. Megs has expressed interest in researching her Coasta Rican roots, and I have been encouraging her to do so. So we'll see...

Megs is the sweetest person I have probably ever met. She is so good with Mason and he loves his Aunt Megs too!

That's all I have for now...

Have a blessed night and I hope your holiday season is off to a good start!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your show and tell! Mason is so sweet and so is Megs.

PS Mexico here we come!!!