Thursday, December 4, 2008

He's a big boy now

Mason just turned 4 mo on Tuesday and last night was the first night he slept in his crib. He was been in his bassinet in our bedroom since we brought him home from the hospital. His Uncle Brent fed him his bottle last night (a total new experience for Uncle Brent) and shortly after that he passed out on his Uncle's chest. He did so good last night for his first night in his crib. He slept through the entire night and I had to wake him up at 8:15 to get ready for his Dr. appt!! Typically he goes down at 9-9:30, sleeps until 5 or 6am, gets up to eat, and lays back down for a couple more hours. I was so grateful to sleep through the morning.

Mason had a Dr. appt this morning- his 4 mo check up! Wow! 4 mo already? Anyway, the pediatrician was happy with Mason's growth and overall health. He weighs 17 lbs 4.5oz and is the 85th percentile for his weight! He is 24 3/4" long and is in the 45th percentile for his height. He got two shots- one in each thigh. He turned bright red, screamed, they put a couple band aids on him and I scooped him up and cuddled him. He was heart wrenching! He cried for about two minutes and then settled right down.

The Dr. said that we can start cereal anytime now but to start with rice cereal. So, we will try that out this weekend. The Dr. asked about his sleeping habits, and I was reluctant to answer. Mason has always been a good sleeper, but he does not like to sleep on his back. He will sleep on his back for a very short time and then he's up. He has acid reflux and babies that reflux don't typically like to be on their backs. Anyway, he sleeps on his boppy- kind of hugging it with his knees bent.

I think they used to say that it was ok for babies to sleep on their bellys and now they say to stick with the ABC's: Alone, on their Backs, in their Crib. So, anyway, the Dr. wasn't happy with how he sleeps. I may look at trying something other than the boppy, but I don't know how he will do sleeping on his back.

Mason smiles all the time and loves it when you talk to him. He tries to talk back and is making new noises all the time. He is trying to giggle and is about to bust out laughing at any moment. It's precious. He is getting to be so much fun. The other day he was at the sitter sleeping in the crib on his tummy. He had slid out of his boppy and was laying flat on the mattress. He pushed himself up with his arms and stiffened his arms for a few seconds (like he was doing a push up) and then laid back down. It was an "awww" moment. I am amazed everyday at how much he is changing and growing.

The tree is done, but I am still working on getting the rest of our decorations up. I took pics and hope to be able to post tonight. That's all I have for now.

Have a good one!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is getting SO big! You've got one sweet baby :)