Wednesday, December 3, 2008

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

The work day is almost over!!! Aaaaaaahhhhh (singing). We still had some left over ham from Thanksgiving. I threw beans and ham in the crockpot this morning and I am looking forward to a warm bowl of yummy beans.

Brent and Megs (bro & wife) are coming over to eat with us and I am hoping to recruit my sister-in-law to help me put up Christmas decorations or watch Mason so Mommy can get decorations put up.

Last night, I finally got the tree up and put a bunch of lights on. Mason started fussing and I took care of him and went back to the tree to find the bottom half of the trees lights were out- son of a bi*ch. So after feeding Mason and getting him ready for bed, I finally got the chance to fix the light situation. I'm realizing that it's hard to do the little things- like putting up Christmas decorations when you have a little one. I'm finding I have to do a lot of things in segments and sometimes it can be frustrating. So last night after the lights were on teh tree I did my usual straightening up and before you know it it was 12:30 am. Mason was fussing at 3am and then 7am and needless to say, Mommy didn't get as much sleep as needed. However, I can't wait to get my decorations up and start enjoying them!

I've decided I need the Dog Whisperer for 3 little 4 legged friends at my house. They have been bad lately and it's very frustrating. Two major problems:

1. pottying in the house

2. getting in the trash

We had Gus (our deaf dog) neutered the day after Christmas last year. (LOL) Merry Christmas Gus! (j/k) I still finding him hiking his leg in the house! I rarely catch him in the act, but when I do I spank him. I don't know what else to do. Bella knows better so I'm not sure what her problem is. Jack went through bootcamp when he was a puppy and he KNOWS not to potty in the house. The other two.... (sigh)... are a different story.

Then, just when your're good and pissed off at them for being bad, Gus takes off running laps through the house- trying to get traction on the hard floors (like last night) and it's hilarious!

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